Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, also known as Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, is an advanced medical treatment which involves patients breathing at 100 percent oxygen in a high-pressure container, usually called a hyperbaric chamber, inside an enclosed vehicle. Shortly, a hyperbaric chamber is simply a pressurized container filled with pure oxygen. The level of pressure usually used varies according to various factors specific to each patient, such as the current state of health and the medical condition being treated.
The majority of hyperbaric chambers are generally less than thirty gallons; larger models are available. There are several different types of hyperbaric chambers available, but the most common are the graduated hyperbaric chambers. This type of unit measures the volume of pure oxygen delivered per minute through the air via a graduated media of compressed air. The graduated system gives the best overall compression capability. The purpose of this is to maximize oxygen permeability for maximum oxygen flow and purification.
Some of the other types of hyperbaric chambers are the negative pressure vessels, or R.P.V. units. These are designed specifically for patients suffering from diseases or conditions that limit or eliminate oxygen in the blood. For example, some patients may require therapeutic compressive forces in order to increase blood flow. A negative pressure vessel can be configured to apply therapeutic compression to a particular part of the body, or to an area of the body or the whole body.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy was first used to treat medical conditions in the 1950s. It was used to treat patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) by supplying them with a constant supply of pure oxygen. The therapy was also used to alleviate respiratory symptoms in burn victims. Other conditions that can be treated in a hyperbaric chamber include respiratory insufficiency, asthma, COPD, and multiple sclerosis.
Patients suffering from decompression sickness often use hyperbaric chambers in order to treat their condition. In decompression sickness, which is caused by feelings of weakness due to low blood oxygen levels, the patient feels weak and dizzy. They often cough, breathe heavily, experience nausea, headaches, and chest pain. Medical professionals believe that this chamber system helps to relieve the symptoms of decompression sickness because the pressurized air contained in the system provides a steady supply of pure oxygen to the body. Patients also often feel comforted and calm, preventing them from experiencing feelings of fear and panic.
A hyperbaric chamber may be compared to a pressure vessel that has been stretched taut. The chambers are filled with oxygen and carbon dioxide at different levels. The higher the pressure vessel's level of oxygen and carbon dioxide, the lower the ambient pressure in the area. High levels of both gases force fluid into a larger space than normal, creating a larger volume of gas. The high pressure inside the chamber may cause bubbles to form, like those found in a tropical rainforest. The bubbles cause the water molecules to break free from the inside of the pressure vessel, allowing the gas to fill the entire chamber.
Hyperbaric chambers have been found to effectively treat a number of conditions, including severe burns, carbon monoxide poisoning, asthma, COPD, and skin grafts for serious medical conditions. Hyperbaric chambers are generally made up of a clear plastic protective tube and a transparent protective cover, which is used to expose the air or oxygen to the skin. There are many clinical research studies that support the use of hyperbaric chambers to treat a variety of conditions. These clinical studies have shown that the therapy can promote healing and promote the regeneration of tissues within the body. The therapy has also shown that it is safe and provides rapid healing of wounds.
Many people use hyperbaric chambers in their homes, clinics, and even on the job to help reduce stress and improve moods. These same positive effects can be had in a work environment or even in a medical setting, if proper precautions are used. If you or someone you know is suffering from one of the psychological or physical conditions described, hyperbaric oxygen therapies are a great alternative to low pressure and low oxygen therapies, such as the use of inhalers and/or traditional oxygen treatment.
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